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  • Motivation Training: Motivating Your Workforce

    To start this course, you will learn about some basic motivation theories. You will also learn about setting goals, identifying values, and ways to create a motivational climate.
  • Effective Planning and Scheduling

    This course will teach you how to use a variety of planning and scheduling tools, including the work breakdown structure, network diagrams, program evaluation and review technique (PERT), and Gantt charts. You will also learn how to properly estimate time, schedule resources, identify task dependencies, manage risks, communicate your schedule, and keep the schedule updated.
  • How to Become a Leader with Integrity

    At the end of this workshop, you will be able to: Understand why integrity makes a powerful, lasting impact, Recognize and use the four ‘I’s of transformational leadership, Practice better self-leadership, Measure and develop your authenticity and transformational leadership, Develop charismatic behaviors and improve your skills of persuasion, and Learn how to transform others.
  • Workplace Violence: How to Manage Anger and Violence in the Workplace

    In this course, you will learn a nine-stage plan to help organizations prevent violence. You will also learn how to respond to violent incidents, manage anger, and implement design and hiring practices that will keep employees safe.
  • Skills You Need for Workplace Success

    Upon completing this course, you are going to know approaches to be an effective team member, how it feels to experience change and ways to be flexible in times of change and to approach problem solving. You will also identify tips to giving and receiving feedback, learn ways to recognize self-confident behaviors in the workplace and learn a three-step process to building self-confidence.
  • Stress Management

    This course will teach you some different ways to look at stress, ways to take care of yourself to reduce the stress that you feel, and coping techniques. You will also learn some time management and organizational tips to help you work smarter.
  • Lean Process Improvement

    This course will teach you the foundations of Lean through the Toyota precepts and the five critical improvement concepts (value, waste, variation, complexity, and continuous improvement). Then, you will learn about tools to perform continuous improvement in your organization, including 5S, 5W-2H, PDSA, DMAIC, Kaizen, Genchi Genbutsu, and Lean data mapping methods.
  • Women and Leadership: Owning Your Strengths and Skills

    At the end of this course you will understand a brief history and evolution of women and leadership. You will recognize leadership barriers, how to handle them, and use them to create benefits. You will know about social and emotional intelligence, and self-awareness. You will be able to develop a basic vision and brand for your leadership and understand essential leadership skills. You will also examine decision making and create a workplace philosophy statement and action plan.
  • Process Improvement with Gap Analysis

    You will learn how to embrace Process Improvement with Gap Analysis during this course which provides you with the knowledge of what gap analysis is, examples, templates, and the guidance to implement an analysis in your situation.
  • Knowledge Management

    In this course, you will learn what knowledge is, what knowledge management is, how tacit and explicit knowledge are different, and the business benefits that knowledge management can bring. Then, you will learn about the knowledge management mix (which includes people, technology, and process) as well as a four step process for building your knowledge management framework. You will also learn about four knowledge management models: Bukowitz and Williams’ KM Process Framework, Gamble and Blackwell’s knowledge management matrix, Botha’s process model, and Nonaka and Takeuchi’s spiral model. Implementation aspects, such as knowledge management teams, post-mortem plans, KMBOKs, Chief Knowledge Officers, and pilot programs, are covered as well.
  • Critical Elements of Customer Service

    This course is all about the critical elements of customer service: a customer service focus that is defined within, and given life by, your organization. In order to be successful, this focus must be reinforced every day, measured, and improved upon.
  • Using Activities to Make Training Fun

    In this course, you will explore different types of games, including icebreakers, energizers, simulations, and case studies. You will also learn how to get buy-in, deal with reluctant participants, troubleshoot games, and create your own games. To top things off, we will give you four activities that you can customize and re-use in your own training sessions.
  • Creating a Dynamite Job Portfolio

    In this course, you’ll learn about the different aspects of your job package, including your resume, cover letter, and job portfolio. You’ll also receive a plan that will get you to a job in 60 days, techniques for writing thank-you notes, and tips for choosing your references.
  • Promoting a Marketing Webinar

    At the end of this course, you will be able to define the marketing objectives of your webinar, create an attendee avatar to connect with your target audience, create and use a lead magnet, develop a promotion strategy, explore the potential of a joint venture, and create a webinar marketing calendar.
  • Creating a Top-Notch Talent Management Program

    In this course, you will learn about the various aspects of talent management, including performance management, succession planning, talent management programs, employee development strategies, and employee engagement plans.
  • Meeting Management: The Art of Making Meetings Work

    In this course, you will learn how to prepare for meetings, develop agendas, lead a meeting, differentiate between process and content, use facilitation skills in a meeting, and manage difficult participants.
  • Managing Difficult Conversations

    This course will give you an eight-step process for a difficult conversation, as well as some things to consider when deciding to have the conversation (such as your desired outcome, the time and place, and how to stay safe). You’ll also learn how to speak persuasively, ask good questions, and listen actively.
  • Developing Your Executive Presence

    This course is going to provide you with the boost you might need to get the most out of your inter-personal skills as you develop yourself into an executive with presence that will be the marvel of your coworkers and others you meet. It will help you consider the first impressions you make on others, your interpersonal skills, your speaking and listening skills, plus sharpens your leadership skills.
  • Developing a Training Needs Analysis

    This course covers all the essential elements of a training needs analysis. The first step is using the ICE method to isolate problems, consult with stakeholders, and evaluate your options. Then, you can bring all of the information together into a training needs analysis that will convince readers to take action.
  • Social Selling for Small Businesses

    In this course, you will learn about the attributes of social selling, you will learn how to explore social selling can generate business leads, how to apply social selling strategies of relevance in social media. You will also develop an understanding of the power of leveraging different platforms and how to measure results.
  • Budgets and Managing Money

    To start this course, you will review the fundamentals of finance (including basic terms, generally accepted accounting principles, and financial roles in an organization). Then, you will learn about different types of budgets and a six-step budgeting process. You will also learn how to monitor budgets, perform basic ratio analysis, and compare investment opportunities.
  • Global Business Strategies

    This course provides an overview of the various factors that a business must consider before going global. Students will also begin considering how they can expand their business to the global marketplace using a variety of planning techniques. We strongly recommend that participants complete our “Entrepreneurship 101” and “Basic Business Management” programs before taking this course.
  • Research Skills

    In this course, you will learn basic research skills, such as reading, memory recall, and note-taking. You will also learn how to create different kinds of outlines for different stages of your project, and how to move from the outline to writing, editing, and polishing. As well, you’ll learn how to find information using the library’s Dewey Decimal System, journals, and the Internet.
  • Growth Hacking

    In this one-day course, you will learn how to: identify the growth hacking mindset, recognize the differences between growth hacking and marketing, identify the customer need your business can fill, create and implement product placement and services to fit the need, learn and practice techniques of growth hacking, review and practice growth marketing strategies, identify the essentials of conversion and optimization, and create your own growth hacking plan.
  • Psychological Health and Safety

    At the end of this workshop, you should be able to: understand basic concepts of personal mental health, know what psychological workplace safety is and why it is important, identify the factors influencing personal mental health and safety in your workplace, consider assessment and action strategies for personal and workplace needs, engage key participants in workplace programs, and explore methods of evaluation and continuous improvement.
  • Introduction to E-Mail Marketing

    In this course, you will receive an in-depth introduction to e-mail marketing. Once you have completed this course, you will be ready to plan, create, and deliver e-mail marketing campaigns that build relationships with customers and get results.
  • Trade Shows: Getting the Most Out of Your Trade Show Experience

    You are going to learn about people who attend trade shows and how to interact with them. You are also going to learn about the importance of pre-show promotion and then follow up afterwards. These topics will be explored in great depth as they get broken down into areas such as creating good opening lines and good conversations, targeted promotional giveaways, booth behavior, and prospecting activities.
  • Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interviewing Techniques

    This course will take you through the hiring process from start to finish, including cost analysis, position profiles, finding candidates, screening resumes, testing candidates, interviewing (including different types of questions), evaluating responses, and reference checks. You will also learn about some of the problems commonly encountered in the hiring process and how to overcome them.
  • Transgender Employees: Creating an Inclusive Work Community

    In this course, you are going to learn about the importance and elements of safe inclusive workspaces for transgendered persons – those identifying as one gender but born into the body of the opposing gender. You will consider terminology, elements, policies, and resources to build and sustain a safe, inclusive environment for transgendered employees and increase the comfort level and productivity off all in your organization.
  • Getting Your Job Search Started

    In this course, you will learn how to manage change, identify your values and skills, consider your vocation, find jobs, network, and set goals. Then, you should be ready to start the search for your dream job.
  • Becoming a Progressive Employer: Setting Trends Instead of Following Them

    In this course, you will gain an understanding of what being progressive means, and then take time to truly examine this concept through activities and discussion. You will look at the process involved in going from the status quo to being progressive, along with how to develop or enhance a progressive mindset and innovative ideas. The last part of the course involves understanding the importance of a succession plan to a progressive organization.
  • Advanced Skills for the Practical Trainer

    To begin, you will explore the trainer’s role and what skills and competencies trainers should have. Then you will learn about the learning process and different learning styles, and apply that knowledge to designing programs and motivating learners. You will also learn ways to manage the stress of training, plan a workshop, and lead a training session. Then, you will learn techniques for dealing with difficult participants, evaluating learning, and conducting on-the-job follow-up. Alternative training methods, such as eLearning, co-facilitation, and team teaching will also be covered.
  • Working Smarter: Using Technology to Your Advantage

    In this course, you’ll learn how to use technology to your advantage. Computers, various types of applications, software purchases, technical training, IT budgets, security, privacy, usage policies, ergonomics, instant messaging, and telecommuting are all covered.
  • Tough Topics: Talking to Employees about Personal Hygiene

    This course has two major themes. First, we’ll give you a customizable framework for having tough conversations. Then, we’ll look at some common tough conversations that come up, including body odor, flatulence, poor clothing and hair decisions, and bad breath.
  • Progressive Discipline

    This course will ensure that all staff members understand the importance and use of progressive discipline. It starts by examining ways to minimizing disciplinary issues and after defining discipline, discipline policies and progressive discipline, it gives hands-on experience with verbal warnings, written warnings, performance improvement plans and termination, using thought exercises and scenarios.